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Passing the Technical Certification

Q. Do we need to do something special before we start the certification? Or can we do this anytime we want?

A. Please proceed with testing any time it suits you.

Q. Do we need to do all the step (stay connected 24 hours, Basic test and Full Suite test) in one time? Or can we do separately the connectivity test and the others?

A. You can do those separately.

Q. About the Connectivity test: we need to keep open an EPP connection for 24 hours and submit a log file which proves that. What kind of log do you expect? Only the EPP request and response?

A. The idle time out for EPP connection is set to 10 min. To keep the connection alive an EPP hello command needs to be executed every 8-9 min. A log that shows this activity with timestamps would be sufficient.

Q: Finally, we have to give our PGP key. Can you explain exactly what is it?

A. Please visit for more information about PGP.  It is only required if you wish to have your password communicated to you through secure email.

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