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6 Steps to Market Domain Reselling On Your Platform 

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By integrating domain reselling into your platform, you provide customers with an optimized way to develop their digital assets and build their digital identities. However, to make the most out of your domain name offerings, it’s essential to educate customers about the value of domain names within the context of your primary offerings. 

Domain reselling is a service where individuals or companies act as intermediaries to help customers purchase domain names. They do this by utilizing their reselling platform to connect customers with domain names provided by accredited registrars.

By positioning domain services as a powerful addition to your core products, you can build domain reselling into a long-term product strategy that differentiates your business from competitors and offers enticing value to your customers. 

Fortunately, marketing your domain reselling services can be broken down into six easy-to-follow steps. 

Step 1: Consider the Audience Experience

Before launching a marketing campaign to promote your domain reselling services, it’s essential to understand the potential ways your audience can use unique domain names. By exploring possible uses, you can hone in on target segments that stand to gain the most significant value from owning domain names. 

Once you identify a target market:

  • Research their behaviors and preferences to determine the best messaging strategy
  • Identify how an integrated domain solution can reduce friction for them 

Then, you can build a compelling narrative that connects your domain offerings to your primary services, making any marketing efforts mutually beneficial. For example, site-builders that offer in-platform domain registration and linking can use the convenient, integrated experience as a selling point for their platform

Step 2: Demonstrate the Value of Integrated Domain Services

In your product messaging, highlight how domain reselling combines with your essential products to generate value. Clear connections between domain services and your other offerings can help you present your offerings as a full-service, end-to-end solution. 

In the site-builder example, demonstrating value and connection to the critical product might mean highlighting that unique, custom domain names help build a clear brand identity that can:

  • Foster a stronger online presence
  • Create consistency across digital assets 

Additionally, purchasing a domain name through the site builder allows for a more streamlined customer experience where all digital assets are housed on one platform.

Once you’ve demonstrated value at a high level, you can also consider ways to promote curated value propositions to specific audience segments. In essence, after you've effectively shown the overall benefits and value of integrating domain services with your core products, you can further tailor your marketing and promotional efforts to specific groups of customers. This may involve highlighting specific features or benefits that are particularly relevant to certain segments of your audience.1 By doing so, you can better address the unique needs and preferences of different customer groups and potentially increase the appeal of your offering to them.

Step 3: Teach Customers How to Pick Valuable Domains

One pain point customers often experience when registering domains is brainstorming a quality, optimized domain name that builds credibility. Many pitfalls can decrease the effectiveness and memorability of a domain name, which can have long-term impacts on an online brand.2 

To that end, consider sharing best practices for domain name selection with your customers and use domain search tools to offer relevant, keyword-based suggestions. 

You can also leverage descriptive domain extensions as a simple way for your customers to relate to an industry or niche.3 For example, a course-building platform may suggest .academy or .school to its customers, directly aligning the new web address4 with the site's purpose.

Step 4: Simplify the Domain Registration Process

You can achieve more conversions for your domain reselling services by creating a user-friendly purchase flow that encourages customers to complete the checkout process without becoming distracted or frustrated. 

Include embedded search tools and feature your full domain portfolio within your user interface. On the domain search or sign-up page, you can further build credibility by featuring testimonials that share the benefit of choosing and registering a custom domain name. 

Step 5: Engaged Existing Customers with Promotional Materials 

Strengthen your connection with current customers and introduce them to the domain opportunities available. Inspire them by providing personalized domain suggestions and showcasing success stories from other customers who've leveraged domains.  To promote these opportunities effectively, consider various promotional materials such as video tutorials, blog posts, newsletters, and more.

Additionally, establish your brand's authority in the domain services field through educational content. Create ebooks, blog posts, and whitepapers to educate your current audience and attract new customers interested in domain names.5 Your domain services can form a cornerstone for discussions on various topics related to website management and online presence, demonstrating your in-depth knowledge and expertise.

Step 6: Incorporate Domains Into Premium Upgrades

Boost exposure for your domain name services by bundling them into premium packages and plans. Offering premium features like custom domains can help you demonstrate the value of more expensive plans, attracting customers who may otherwise remain on lower-tier plans.6

Once customers are locked in with a domain name that connects to their digital identity, they may be more likely to renew their plan or purchase other domains. 

Including custom domain names in limited-time promotions is another way to pique your audience's interest, encouraging them to branch out and try more of your services. 

Leverage Domains to Support Your Product Strategy with Identity Digital 

By employing these strategic marketing techniques, you can seamlessly introduce domain reselling into your brand’s product offerings while enhancing the customer experience, growing your audience, increasing revenue, and further establishing your credibility and value. 

Unlock your digital potential with Identity Digital’s Reseller Solution, 96% of Fortune 50 companies own Identity Digital domains.7 From established global brands to emerging startups, we provide seamless domain name integrations at industry-leading prices to elevate your user experience and drive new revenue for your platform.

And, because domain names have wide-reaching relevance, it’s easy to customize messages for your domain services to your unique product and business model. To optimize your domain reselling strategy today, reach out to the team at Identity Digital.


1 CIO Today. Empowering Women Through Memorable Domain Names: Driving Female Entrepreneurship. 

2 SmallBusiness Currents. Crafting Your Digital Identity: Leverage Unique Web Addresses for Standout Events. 

3 Startup.Info. How to Use Domain Names to Create Online Communities for Nearly Any Subject. 

4 PR News Wire. Identity Digital Showcases the Power of New Web Addresses.

5 Forbes. The Secret to Acquiring New Customers in 2023? User-Generated Content. 

6 Harvard Business Review. The Pros and Cons of Bundled Pricing. 

7 Identity.Digital. Homepage. 

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