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Prioritizing Inclusivity this Pride

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By Ram Mohan

With the world's largest portfolio of nearly 300 TLDs, we understand the importance of creating a unique online identity. Domain names and email addresses that reflect culture, language, interests, or script are powerful tools that foster creativity, empowerment and entrepreneurship.

However, this Pride Month, we recognize a critical barrier to digital inclusion: the lack of Universal Acceptance (UA) for certain TLDs. Many internet-enabled applications and systems still fail to recognize extensions like .lgbt and .gay as valid, despite adhering to the same security standards.

This issue disproportionately affects the LGBTQ+ community. As our friends at LGBT Tech aptly stated:

For the LGBTQ+ community, the potential of Universal Acceptance is clear. As our community grows and evolves, so must our digital presence. Creating online spaces that reflect our identities is empowering and exciting, opening the door to greater education and connection. 

Universal Acceptance: Building a More Inclusive Digital World

UA ensures all domain names and email addresses function seamlessly across devices and software, eliminating discrimination and technical obstacles. At Identity Digital, we believe a truly open and free internet hinges on ensuring universal access to the immense opportunities for communication, entrepreneurship, and empowerment that the web offers. Embracing UA is a crucial step towards achieving a more inclusive digital world for all communities, including the LGBTQ+ community.

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